What Is This All About, Anyway?
9:22 AM
What is this all about, anyway? Good question. I am well aware that when you write a blog, you should have a clear audience and a specific niche in mind. What is my niche? Well, this is the very question that I have been asking myself well before I even knew what the word niche meant.
If you look up the word niche, the definition says: a job, activity, etc., that is very suitable for someone (thank you, Merriam-Webster). The problem is, I don't know what is suitable for me. In my almost 36 years on this planet, I still don't know what my niche is in this world. So, if I don't have a niche in life, well then, having a niche for a blog is pretty much impossible.
If you look up the word niche, the definition says: a job, activity, etc., that is very suitable for someone (thank you, Merriam-Webster). The problem is, I don't know what is suitable for me. In my almost 36 years on this planet, I still don't know what my niche is in this world. So, if I don't have a niche in life, well then, having a niche for a blog is pretty much impossible.
So...what is this all about, anyway? Okay, I get it. This is a question that I need to answer. Well, this is sort of a lifestyle blog. If I was a real grown-up who had my you-know-what together, I would aspire to be like Joanna Goddard at A Cup of Jo. I absolutely adore her blog, and I wish that I could create something so beautiful, meaningful, and inspiring. I love her messages. I love her content. Everything about her blog is just perfect from the words she writes to the pictures she shares. Even her fonts are perfect. As much as it pains me to admit this, I am not like her. I wish my adult self was more like her, but I am a frazzled and scattered version of an adult.
So ask me one more time...
What is this all about, anyway?
I will try my best to answer this question...
This blog is about me trying to figure out how to be a grown-up in spite of my edginess and messiness.
You know the blogs out there that share tips and tricks on how to make your home beautiful and organized? Yeah, that's not what this blog is about. If I make my bed, I feel like I'm a domestic goddess for the day. I did not get the nickname "Master of Disaster" for nothing.
To start, this blog will document my attempt in dealing with all the clutter in my life. I have a lot of physical clutter, which makes me very messy and unorganized, but I also have a lot of emotional clutter, which makes me very edgy. As a reminder, by edgy I mean I am the nervous kind and not the sexy kind (although I secretly hope to redefine myself as the sexy type one day). My edginess and messiness make my life harder than it should be. All of this clutter gets in the way...a lot, and I am going to try my best to declutter both the physical and emotional chaos in my life. Watching someone who is naturally messy and neurotic try to declutter their world can be quite the show. What can I say? Grab some popcorn and a big glass of wine. I hope that it will at least be an entertaining show.
This blog is about me finding the humor in my edginess and messiness.
Laughter is a good thing. When I take the time to observe my neurotic ways, even I can see how irrational I can be and how much chaos I can create in both my external and internal worlds. One thing that I need to do more is laugh at myself and to not take myself or any situation too seriously. There is a time and a place to be serious, but I think that 95% of the time, being so serious is not necessary, and that it can actually suck the fun and happiness out of life.
Don't tell my husband about this epiphany quite yet. I don't want to get his hopes up that I am a changed woman. This change is a change in progress. Does that even make sense? As Heraclitus said, change is the only constant in life. So, I guess change cannot really be a goal because it is always happening. Change is always "in progress" because it never stops. Do I even have control over this change? Can I steer change in a certain direction? Do I have a say in whether change causes me pain or brings me joy? Okay, I am getting off track here. So much for not being so serious...
This blog is about me trying to be better, so that I can live a happier life.
I figure that if I can be happier with myself then this will make me a better mom, a better wife, a better daughter, a better friend, and a better human being. Basically, I want to be better version of myself - the best version of myself that I can possibly be. I want to do this for me so that I can feel real joy and bring that joy to the people I love. The people who I love so fiercely in my life deserve that joy. They deserve to be around the best version of me, and lately, I have been failing them. And I don't like failing.
This is sounding like a self-improvement blog, isn't it? I guess it sort of is. You can start the eye rolling now. I may even roll my eyes with you. I don't really like the term self-improvement, and I am not even sure why. Shouldn't we all want to improve ourselves? Isn't there always room for self-improvement in all of us? Still, this term doesn't sit well with me and I would prefer not to classify this blog as a self-improvement blog. Is an introspective blog a thing? Well, guess what? It is now. If it didn't exist before, I just created it. This blog is about me reflecting inward in order to be better.
Let's face it, there are a lot of self-improvement books out there, and the majority of these books don't work for the majority of people. If they did work, there wouldn't be so many of these books because everyone's problems would have been solved a long time ago. Maybe that's my problem with the term self-improvement. It is overused and overdone, and many people don't believe that these self-improvement methods work.
Despite this fact, I LOVE books. I devour books. Currently, I am reading FIVE books, and I suppose that each book could fall under the self-improvement category. Each book is addressing an area of my life that I want to work on: (1) decluttering my house, (2) finding inner peace, (3) being present, (4) being curious, and (5) creating joy.
I hope to take the lessons that I learn from these books, as well as any other books (or any text for that matter) that I decide to read, and share my experiences in attempting to apply these lessons to my life. Think of it as theory to practice. This blog will document real practice in the life of a VERY flawed human being who is just trying to be better. I am certain I will need to tweak some of these lessons in order to make them work for me. I am sure I will find that some lessons just won't work for me at all. But let's see what happens because I won't know until I try. I may even learn some things about myself. Here's a crazy thought...I may even have some fun. Remember fun? Why is it so hard for me to remember fun? Why do I even have to remember it? I should just have it. Period. No exclamation mark. Life is fun! If I achieve either of these two things, then I will consider this a success. If I achieve both of these things, well then, this may go down as one of the best things I have ever done.
Am I writing this blog to help others? Absolutely not. I mean, if someone reads this and connects with what I am sharing, I think that would be amazing. What an honor that would be. But that is not the goal of this blog. I am doing this for me. This blog is about my journey to be a better me, to reflect on my thoughts and actions, and to laugh at myself along the way.
Finding joy, laughter, and peace. Those are three of my goals for this blog. I am sure there will be more goals along the way, but this seems like a damn good place to start.
Hang on. Let the ride begin.
So ask me one more time...
What is this all about, anyway?
I will try my best to answer this question...
This blog is about me trying to figure out how to be a grown-up in spite of my edginess and messiness.
You know the blogs out there that share tips and tricks on how to make your home beautiful and organized? Yeah, that's not what this blog is about. If I make my bed, I feel like I'm a domestic goddess for the day. I did not get the nickname "Master of Disaster" for nothing.
To start, this blog will document my attempt in dealing with all the clutter in my life. I have a lot of physical clutter, which makes me very messy and unorganized, but I also have a lot of emotional clutter, which makes me very edgy. As a reminder, by edgy I mean I am the nervous kind and not the sexy kind (although I secretly hope to redefine myself as the sexy type one day). My edginess and messiness make my life harder than it should be. All of this clutter gets in the way...a lot, and I am going to try my best to declutter both the physical and emotional chaos in my life. Watching someone who is naturally messy and neurotic try to declutter their world can be quite the show. What can I say? Grab some popcorn and a big glass of wine. I hope that it will at least be an entertaining show.
This blog is about me finding the humor in my edginess and messiness.
Laughter is a good thing. When I take the time to observe my neurotic ways, even I can see how irrational I can be and how much chaos I can create in both my external and internal worlds. One thing that I need to do more is laugh at myself and to not take myself or any situation too seriously. There is a time and a place to be serious, but I think that 95% of the time, being so serious is not necessary, and that it can actually suck the fun and happiness out of life.
Don't tell my husband about this epiphany quite yet. I don't want to get his hopes up that I am a changed woman. This change is a change in progress. Does that even make sense? As Heraclitus said, change is the only constant in life. So, I guess change cannot really be a goal because it is always happening. Change is always "in progress" because it never stops. Do I even have control over this change? Can I steer change in a certain direction? Do I have a say in whether change causes me pain or brings me joy? Okay, I am getting off track here. So much for not being so serious...
This blog is about me trying to be better, so that I can live a happier life.
I figure that if I can be happier with myself then this will make me a better mom, a better wife, a better daughter, a better friend, and a better human being. Basically, I want to be better version of myself - the best version of myself that I can possibly be. I want to do this for me so that I can feel real joy and bring that joy to the people I love. The people who I love so fiercely in my life deserve that joy. They deserve to be around the best version of me, and lately, I have been failing them. And I don't like failing.
This is sounding like a self-improvement blog, isn't it? I guess it sort of is. You can start the eye rolling now. I may even roll my eyes with you. I don't really like the term self-improvement, and I am not even sure why. Shouldn't we all want to improve ourselves? Isn't there always room for self-improvement in all of us? Still, this term doesn't sit well with me and I would prefer not to classify this blog as a self-improvement blog. Is an introspective blog a thing? Well, guess what? It is now. If it didn't exist before, I just created it. This blog is about me reflecting inward in order to be better.
Let's face it, there are a lot of self-improvement books out there, and the majority of these books don't work for the majority of people. If they did work, there wouldn't be so many of these books because everyone's problems would have been solved a long time ago. Maybe that's my problem with the term self-improvement. It is overused and overdone, and many people don't believe that these self-improvement methods work.
Despite this fact, I LOVE books. I devour books. Currently, I am reading FIVE books, and I suppose that each book could fall under the self-improvement category. Each book is addressing an area of my life that I want to work on: (1) decluttering my house, (2) finding inner peace, (3) being present, (4) being curious, and (5) creating joy.
I hope to take the lessons that I learn from these books, as well as any other books (or any text for that matter) that I decide to read, and share my experiences in attempting to apply these lessons to my life. Think of it as theory to practice. This blog will document real practice in the life of a VERY flawed human being who is just trying to be better. I am certain I will need to tweak some of these lessons in order to make them work for me. I am sure I will find that some lessons just won't work for me at all. But let's see what happens because I won't know until I try. I may even learn some things about myself. Here's a crazy thought...I may even have some fun. Remember fun? Why is it so hard for me to remember fun? Why do I even have to remember it? I should just have it. Period. No exclamation mark. Life is fun! If I achieve either of these two things, then I will consider this a success. If I achieve both of these things, well then, this may go down as one of the best things I have ever done.
Am I writing this blog to help others? Absolutely not. I mean, if someone reads this and connects with what I am sharing, I think that would be amazing. What an honor that would be. But that is not the goal of this blog. I am doing this for me. This blog is about my journey to be a better me, to reflect on my thoughts and actions, and to laugh at myself along the way.
Finding joy, laughter, and peace. Those are three of my goals for this blog. I am sure there will be more goals along the way, but this seems like a damn good place to start.
Hang on. Let the ride begin.